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【练拳分享】加拿大研学游学员分享Canadian International Student sharing


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1.Lorraine Casavant-Gagné女士是加拿大一位针灸师,持有中医执照。她觉得大自然太极拳这种拳法每一式都可以反复的打,重复的打,拳法编排得很好。同时教学安排也非常好,对于教学团队热情的接待也感到非常的满意。她很高兴看到中国的传统文化和正宗的中医能够在这里得到发扬光大,并且有来自各地包括世界各地的友人能到这里来看太极中医。能感受到有着悠久历史的当地的徽文化,还有这里的中草药也非常的好。                                                       1.Ms. Lorraine Casavant-Gagn: She has Canadian license: of acupuncture, and Chinese medicine. She felt the Mother-nature Taijiquan in each movement can be repeated, repeated playing, the  arrangement of Mother-nature Taijiquan is very good. At the same time, the teaching arrangement is also very good, and  is warmly satisfied with the reception. She is glad to see that Chinese traditional culture and authentic Chinese medicine can be carried forward here and there are people from all over the world, who can come to see Taiji Chinese medicine. You can feel the Hui local culture with a long history, and the Chinese herbal medicine here is also very good.



2.Robert Gagne先生对山水非常的感兴趣。他觉得黄山的环境非常的优美,有山有水,可以爬山,很适合养生,会进一步去体会大自然太极拳的文化。      

2.Mr. Robert Gagne: He is very interested in landscape. He felt that the environment here is very beautiful, there are mountains and water, you can climb mountains, it is suitable for health, and will further understand the nature of Tai Chi culture.


3.Maude Roux-Pratte女士是一位优秀的气功教练。t她刚刚在九华山考取了健身气功三段教练证书。她这是第一次接触太极拳,她说与她之前学的气功不同,感觉更有意思,太极拳动作缓慢,非常好。感觉这里的教学方法也非常的好,她回去一定会继续学练大自然太极拳。

3. Ms. Maude Roux-Pratte : She is an excellent Qigong instructor. In Mount Jiuhua has just qualified the certification of Grade 3 of fitness Qigong instructor. She was in touch with Tai Chi for the first time. It was different from the qigong she learned before. It was very interesting, and the movement of Taijiquan was slow and very good. The teaching method here is also very good. She'll go back and learn how to practice Mother Nature Taiji.


4.Josette Thibault Clément女士今年77岁,她对能在这种平静、快乐、轻松的环境气氛中学习太极拳感到非常的欢喜,有很多体会。希望下次有机会与先生一起再来这里学习。

4.Ms.Josette Thibault Cl ment: As a 77 year old lady, she felt very love of learning Tai Chi in such a calm, happy and relaxed atmosphere, there are a lot of experience. I hope to have the opportunity to come here again with my husband next time.


5.Diane Marie Pauline Theriault女士,她很感谢这里受到的热情接待,非常开心。老师和教练们都非常好,非常感谢。

5.Ms.Diane Marie Pauline Theriault: Thank you very much for the warm reception I have received. I am very happy. The teachers and coaches are very nice, thank you very much.


6.Christian Boily先生对心灵能量疗法研究已经有近40年了。以前主要是接触印度、美国的那种心灵的能量疗法。这次来中国主要是到太极、气功发源地来感受气功、太极的整体观这种能量疗法和中国文化,多感受多学习。这次来感觉收获非常大,主要是学了很多诀窍和方法来练‘’养气。他觉得每个老师都教得非常好,教给他这种技巧,帮助他来开发这种对气的感觉。他特别感谢大自然太极拳,因为这里传承并发扬光大了一些非常好的自然疗法,以及整体观和能量方面的疗法,对人类和社会都是非常有意义的。这次来参加学习印象非常深刻,感觉大自然太极是非常好的一件事情,发展前景非常乐观。

6. Mr. Christian Boily: He has been studying psychic energy therapy for nearly 40 years. It used to be the spiritual energy therapy in India and the United states. This time China is mainly to the birthplace of Tai Chi Qigong, to feel the whole view of Qigong and Tai Chi, this energy therapy and Chinese culture, more feelings, more learning . This feeling in the harvest is very large, mainly learned many tricks to practice one up. He felt that every teacher taught very well, and taught him the technique to help him develop the sense of qi. He particularly thanks to the nature Taiji group because it has inherited and developed some very good natural therapies, as well as holistic and energetic therapies, which are very meaningful to mankind and society. This time to attend the study, very impressive, I feel the nature of Tai Chi is a very good thing, the prospects for development is very good.


7.Rosalie Thibault今年十九岁,在加拿大学习专业舞蹈。她说这次来学太极拳,感觉每个动作都可以很缓慢地练,可以能够慢慢体会每个动作,体会到每个动作里边连成的整体,腰呀、腿呀......,要整体地练而不是分隔开单独地练,这一点跟她以前学的不一样。这种太极的学问和锻炼方法不仅是精气神整体观的锻炼方法,还有一种心灵的东西在其中。它与西方宗教不同的是,可以把人和大自然连为一个整体,形成天人合一,使人感到更加美满。以前西方的宗教,比如说基督教的教义,感觉缺少了个人和大自然的那种联系,现在太极可以弥补这个需求。感觉太极是一个很好的一个文化,适合不同年龄阶段的人来练习,易学易练,效果好, 物美价廉,适合大众练习,这个意义是很大的。

7.Mz. Rosalie Thibault: Nineteen years old, she is a professional dancer in Canada. He said to learn Tai Chi,  each movement can be very slow in practice, can slowly realize every action, realize the whole inside each action into the waist, legs , to the whole practice instead of separated individual practice, this point is not the same with what she learned  before. This kind of Tai Chi knowledge and exercise methods, not only the spirit of the whole concept of exercise methods, as well as a spiritual thing in it. Unlike western religions, it can connect man with nature as a whole, forming harmony between man and nature and making people feel happier. In the past, Western religions, such as the Christian doctrine, felt the lack of a connection between nature and man. Now Tai Chi can complement such a need. Tai Chi is a very good feeling, suitable for people of different ages can practice, good, good practice, high efficacy is not expensive, suitable for public training, this is of great significance.


8.Renèe Rocheleau Audy女士,接触太极拳已经有十多年了。但这次大自然太极地习练,使她感受更深刻。她很喜欢这种人与大自然天人合一的哲学和文化,这次深深爱上大自然太极去,因为它把中医和太极很好的结合在一起,这是很了不起的。她也很喜欢这里的中草药。她也感到非常感动,因为学到了这么好的太极养生方法,有这么好的教练员和老师,带给他们非常热情的招待,非常感谢。

8.Ren e Rocheleau MS Audy: Contact of Tai Chi has been more than 10 years. But this time it's a touch of nature, Tai Chi, and it feels deeper. I like the philosophy and culture of nature and nature as one. I also like the nature of Tai Chi, because it combines Chinese medicine with Tai Chi very well. That's great. She also loves the herbs here. She was also very touched, thanks to such a good method of Tai Chi regimen, such a good coach, as well as to give them very warm hospitality, thank you very much.


9.Andrée Miller女士,20多年前开始接触中国文化及中医,一直对此很感兴趣。这次来到中国文化、中医的发源地,对她的印象非常深刻,感觉到文化包括太极中医以及其他方面,比如环境风水和徽派建筑艺术的文化都是整体的。深深感到中国人天合一的思想是非常了不起的。几千年来,中国人用智慧发现了很多新鲜事物,随之发展创新,是非常了不起的。最有意义的是她学的这些文化可以回去继续应用,带回加拿大,继续研究生命科学生命智慧、健康和自然疗法。

9.Ms.Andrée Miller: 20 years ago, has been very interested in Taichi. This time, I came to the birthplace of Chinese medicine in traditional Chinese culture and felt very impressive. Come here, feel the culture of traditional Chinese medicine including Tai Chi and other aspects of the environment, such as Feng Shui and Huizhou architecture art culture is a whole. With the feeling of China's kind of people, the idea of "Trina" is extraordinary. For thousands of years, a lot of things have been discovered and a lot of things have been developed, which is very powerful. The most significant thing is that the things she learns can  continue to apply when she go back to bring back to Canada, and continue to study life sciences, life wisdom, health and natural therapies

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